Frequently Asked Questions

How does UltraBox differ from Jummbox? UltraBox aims to combine every other beepmod into one. New features include: and so much more!
How do I add custom samples? Since UltraBox doesn't have a web server of its own, you'll have to first upload your sample to a CORS-friendly website. Next, you have to copy the URL of the sound itself. The URL should end with the filetype, such as .wav or .mp3.

To import it into UltraBox, open the Edit tab, scroll to the bottom, and click on "Add Custom Samples..."

Paste your url and press "Okay." If everything goes smoothly, UltraBox will reload and your sample will be available in the preset list.
Does UltraBox have an offline version? Yes! You can access it here.
You can either download an OS-specific version that has custom sampling support, or the generic HTML version that lacks custom sampling support.
Does UltraBox claim ownership over songs created with it? UltraBox does not claim ownership over songs created with it, so original songs belong to their authors.

Neither Ultrabox nor its creators assume responsibility for any copyrighted material played on UltraBox. No songs are ever received, recorded, or distributed by UltraBox's servers. All song data is contained in the URL after the hash (#) mark, and Ultrabox running inside your browser converts that data into sound waves.
When will x feature be added? You can track the progress of new features on the issues page.
Please be patient; the dev team works on UltraBox in their free time. We can't guarantee that anything will be out in a timely manner.
Where can I contact the developers? You can contact the developers via the BeepBox Modding server.
You can also contact us on the issues page if you have ideas/suggestions or have encountered any bugs.